19 DECEMBER 1903, Page 23

Heliotropes. By John Parmenter. Edited by Percival Landon. (Methuen and

Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—John Parmenter was incumbent of a chapel at Wingham, in Kent (now a vicarage of £157 gross value, with £1,368 impropriated tithe) between 1570 and 1629. He left behind him in manuscript these reflections on sun-dial mottoes. There is a good deal in them. On " God Maketh and Taketh His owne Time," for instance, he quotes : "As the Grecian Schoolmen say, '00 fleelr &X ouor ua.m, axiom al xeirra The_Millstenes of the Gods Grind Late, but the Flower is fine"; and what he calls "a kin proverb from Sussex, God Flieth with Wings of Leade, but Striketh with Hands of Iron." It is a book worth study.