[To the Editor of the SencraTon.] Sm,—There is no nobler
character in all the long and chequered history of mankind than that of the Christian soldier : and there have been few Christian enterprises inspired by loftier or holier ideals than the wars of the Crusades. Those who question the right and duty of a Christian to serve in his country's wars might ask themselves what is the duty of a Christian policeman in the presence of an armed and violent criminal. I leave it to others to enquire _what despicable superstition can infect the soul of a man who is willing to enjoy the comforts and advantages of civilization—protected by a soldier in jeopardy of his life ; yet is not only unwilling to share the dangers and hardships of the campaign, but actually reproaches the defender who stands between him and destruction ? And one word more. Politicians make war. Jealous nations make war. Covetous. traders make war. Soldiers make peace.--I am, Sir, &c., The Vicarage, Charing, Kent.