- Cruelty To Animals [t Theeditor Of The Spectator.]...
Frances Pitt solves the problem of the Christian Conscience in its relation to field sports by saying nothing whateirer with which" conscience 'has any cOneern... Her one point......
[to The Editor Of The Sencraton.] Sm,—there Is No Nobler
character in all the long and chequered history of mankind than that of the Christian soldier : and there have been few Christian enterprises inspired by loftier or holier......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] - Sir,—people, Who Are
so humane regarding the slaughter of animals, . make the mistake of endowing them with -human sensitiveness. When a human being suffers a severe wound he does not suffer......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—the Supreme Test For
any "conscientious objector" is this : is he willing to watch his wife ravished or murdered, or his children tortured before his eyes, without doing anything to save them ? • If......
"a League Of Religions"
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] • SIR,—This article is most interesting, being of a practice nature, but it seems strange that the writer should have made no reference to "The......
Free Trade V.. Protection
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] . SIR,—Mr. Alan Dore in your issue of 5th inst., in no way dis- proves my statements. In the first place he contradicts the fact that there is......