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1.--A Subscription to the SPECTATOR COSt8 Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on......
News Of The Week Tt May Now Be Taken For
granted that an international conference on reparations will be held as early as possible in the New Year. But as early as possible is not likely to be before January 15th, for......
The Millers And The Quota Members Of The Corn Trade
deputation that waited on Mr. J. H. Thomas to discuss the proposed wheat quota appear to have had the experience of their lives. If only a talking film could be made of Mr.......
Standstill In Manchuria As Aftermath Of The Manchurian...
Paris the Japanese delegate, Mr. Yoshizawa, has gone to Tokyo to be Foreign Minister (or so it is confidently rumoured) ; the Chinese, Dr. Sze, has gone to hospital to recover......