19 DECEMBER 1947, Page 5

Speaking in the Palestine debate in the House of Commons

last week Mr. Bevin called attention, with much justice, to the fact that officials of the Government, particularly the higher officials, were being worked to death. If he had said the same of Ministers, and particularly of the Foreign Minister, he would not have been far wrong. His own diary for that very day is instructive enough. He presumably spent part of his morning as usual at the Foreign Office. He then made a major speech, winding up for the Government, in the Palestine debate. He then went on to the three-hour sitting of the Conference of Foreign Ministers, with Mr. Molotov at his very considerable worst. After that he made one of the two speeches of the evening—and a very good speech too—at the Pilgrims' dinner to Mr. Marshall. This is the man who, it was suggested not many months ago, would have to give up the Foreign Office for reasons of health