U.s. Aid And The Pendulum
Progress towards American aid for Europe has recently been so outstanding that a check was bound to come. So far it is not very serious. The Emergency Aid Bill has been passed,......
Labour And Wages
The causes of change in the size and distribution of the British labour force are too complex to permit of any definite attribution of praise for the improvement all along the......
Argument From Moscow
A letter cabled from Moscow and published on a later page of this issue throws an interesting light gn both the diligence and the naïveté of Russian propagandists. Every B.B.C.......
Communist Setbacks
Signor de Gasperi, like M. Schuman, has surmounted his imme- diate crisis. The General Strike in Italy never became general and was called off on the second day, the one side......
The Four And The Three
T HERE is only one question worth asking about the break-up of the Conference of Foreign Ministers. That is how far it was due to the habits and methods of M. Molotov, and how......
Getting Out Of Palestine
The Government has at least the satisfaction of knowing that its determination to relinquish responsibility for Palestine has the sup- port of all parties in the House of......