Few Englishmen Could Stand Much Of An Examination On...
history, and even in his audience of Pilgrims there were pretty cer- tainly some' whom Mr. Marshall's catalogue of Anglo-American dis- putes carried out of their depths. The War......
The Russian Puzzle
HE world has waited too long for Mi. Molotov to define T Russian policy. Now that the other members of the Council of Foreign Ministers have given up in disgust the attempt to......
Speaking In The Palestine Debate In The House Of Commons
last week Mr. Bevin called attention, with much justice, to the fact that officials of the Government, particularly the higher officials, were being worked to death. If he had......
I Am Sick Of The Term "bottleneck." So, I Hope,
are a good many other people. But what the term implies can be serious enough. Take railway wagons. How far the recovery of the world is due to shortage in this indispensable......
Never Do The English People Show Themselves So Completely...
slaved to tradition and sentiment—admirable qualities in themselves —as at Christmas. There is a tradition that people should give each other presents at Christmas. Even at......
A Spectator 's Notebook
T HE legend of Lord Baldwin's pipe and pigs was carried much too far. Of course he was a countryman and a country-lover among other things, but apart from that, and in addition......