19 FEBRUARY 1916, Page 1


APIECE of news of the first importance in itself, and of excellent omen for the future, reached London late on Wednesday night—the news that Erzerum had fallen. The Russian Army met its ill-fortune last year, not only with the most magnificent courage, for that went without saying in Russia's case, but with tho most splendid military hardihood and, we must add, skill, for nothing has ever equalled the stra- tegic competence of the groat Russian retirement There- fore not the most eager of the Allied soldiers will find in his heart the slightest touch of jealousy that the first great success of 1916 should have fallen to the Russian arms. The Grand Duke and his gallant soldiers deserve the success they have achieved, and a chorus of congratulation will surge towards them from Britain and every part of the British Empire, from France, Belgium, and Italy, from devastated Serbia, and from the millions of Christians still under the rule of the Turk. From Russia's old enemy, Japan, we may be certain that the good wishes will be as hearty as those of Europe. None honour courage and the military virtues more than the Japanese, a people cast by their traditions of knighthood in an heroic mould.