19 FEBRUARY 1916, page 1

Though We Find No Special Significance In The German Attacks

of the past week on the Western front, it must not be supposed that we are not fully aware that the Germans mean business in the West. In our opinion, they are preparing for the......

It Is Too Early To Say What Effect The Russian

victory will have upon our campaign in Mesopotamia. We do not doubt, how- ever, that it will have far-reaching results. Unless we are mistaken, Enver Pasha will soon find......

We Are Not Surprised To Hear That Changes Of An

autocratic nature are to be made in the Turkish Constitution. They will be needed if Enver is to remain in power. Further, the Central Powers—in other words, Germany—will be......

The News From The Western Front, Though It Is Full

of sound and fury, does not for the moment signify much, except that the Germans think it in their interest to make fierce though futile attacks upon the lines of the Allies.......

The Military Aspects Of The Situation Are No Less Memorable

and important than the political. In the first place, Erzerum was a great and powerful fort, crammed with guns and munitions of all sorts, and also at the moment crammed with......

*w' The Editor Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


News Of The Week.

A PIECE of news of the first importance in itself, and of excellent omen for the future, reached London late on Wednesday night—the news that Erzerum had fallen. The Russian......

Nevertheless, And In Spite Of The Belief That They Must

at all costs keep up their spirits, and persuade themselves not only that they are going to win but are winning, they cannot resist the scientific habit of constantly measuring......