19 FEBRUARY 1916, page 15

Sunday Labour For Munitions:

[To TEE Eritrea or TEE " sprereent.") am quite convinced' that it is a great-mistake to expect tient° work seven-days a week for.a longaeriod'and:do'•justfce to themselves and......

The Poultry Industry And Land Settlement.

[TO TUX EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sut,—The recent scarcity-of eggs and-the abnormally. high prices ruling have drawn attention, as .nothing else would, to the enormous extent......

Expenses Of High Sheriffs.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " srecrvres..1 Sut,—In reference to this subject, although all colleagues sympathize with the High Sheriff in the expenses he has to bear on their behalf,......

Thoughts In A Soldiers' Hut.

[To TRH EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR."' SIR,—It has boen my fortune to spend a few nights recently in one of the soldiers' buts provided for the lodging of service mon passing......

Belgravia Workrooms.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Stn,—Will you allow me to put briefly before your readers the claims of the Belgravia Workrooms and War Hospital Supply Depot? Sir Edward......

Forged Notes In War.

[TO'THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR, —Your correspondent " E. S. J. M." asserts .it to be an " absurd accusation " and an " exploded calumny " to say that, in our war with......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator. "' Sh4-110 Irish Grand...

who writes to you on the above subject (Spectator, February 5th) is somewhat behind the times. He has evidently not read -the numerous letters which have appeared from time to......