19 FEBRUARY 1916, Page 15

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "' SH4-110 Irish Grand Juryman

who writes to you on the above subject (Spectator, February 5th) is somewhat behind the times. He has evidently not read -the numerous letters which have appeared from time to time on the reduction of High Sheriffs' expenses. Javelin men with their new uniforms have long been substituted by the police ; there is .no need of thorn, nor of trumpeters, nor of the coach and bewigged coachman and upstanding, heavily calved footmen ; in fact, no High Sheriff .(except in Lancashire, and maybe a few other counties) need be out of pocket more than £100 to £150 unless he wishes to be needlessly, extravagant, and since 'His Majesty's Judges have recognized the need for economy it does:not seem to me that any further encouragement is necessary.—I am,