At the Newmarket Petty Sessions on Tuesday, an applica- tion
was made on behalf of the Anti-Gambling League against the Stewards to the Jockey Club (under the Betting. Houses Act of 1853) for permitting betting in the rings or inclosnres on Newmarket Heath. The Magistrates, after hearing the counsel for the League, granted summonses against the Stewards, Lord March, Lord Ellesmere, and Lord Rendlesham, and also against several bookmakers, which will be heard on February 12th. It is difficult to see what defence there can be to the action; but no doubt the matter, after being formally decided one way or the other by the Magis-
trates, will be fully argued before the superior Courts. If, in the end, the case goes against the Stewards, it will be impos- sible for betting to take place on any racecourse in England, —a result which we should personally view with entire satis- faction, but which, we fear, is one which could be with difficulty maintained in the present state of public feeling.