19 JANUARY 1895, page 14
Sea-fowl And The Storm.
T HE furious gale from the south-east which raged in the Channel at the end of last week, sprang up so suddenly that the seaports received only three hours' warning, and the......
Sentiment And Sepulture.
[To TEL EDITOR OF THZ " EIFICFATOR:J fear the article on "Sentiment and Sepulture," in the Spectator of January 12th, is likely to give pain to many who- have laid the dust of......
Letters To The Edituj1.
SIGNOR CR I S PI. [To THZ EDITOR OF THZ " SPRCTATOR:11 SIR,—If you will permit a man who has known Signor Crispi since he has been Prime Minister of Italy, and necessarily......