On Tuesday, At A Meeting Of The County Council, Mr.
Burns made a speech which contained two very remarkable passages. London was pleased, he said, that its public bodies, "instead of listening to cranks and utopian schemes put......
• Mr. Balfeur's Second Speech, Delivered On Thursday, Was...
the general drift of which we regret. He defended the right of the Government to overrule the popular wish of a mere dependency, like India, in relation to any policy which it......
• The Utter Recklessness Of Life In America, Of Which
Mr_ John Burns has recently been speaking, has been illustrated afresh by a frightful accident in Montana. It is, we believe, illegal to store explosives in railway stations,......
Mr. Balfour Addressed His Constituents In East Manchester...
at the Volunteer Drill Hall, Ardwick, where three thousand of his constituents were assembled. He anticipated a General Election within a comparatively short time, certainly......
The Duke Of Argyll Began A Fine Speech In Glasgow
on Tuesday to the West of Scotland Liberal Unionist Associa- tion, which was interrupted in a quarter of an hour by a fainting-fit, which put an end to it. He declared his......
The Report Of The National Liberal Federation To The Cardiff
meeting on Thursday was not a very hopeful document. It was conceived in a melancholy spirit. In reviewing the general situation it does not pretend to ignore the difficulty of......
The By-election At Evesham Comes Off On Tuesday, And Is
e :citing a great deal of local interest. It is said that the number of strangers imported to canvass on one side or the other, is extraordinarily large. There is to be a......