The "crisis" in Hungary has ended, as usual, without any
particular consequences. Baron Banffy becomes Premier, with Dr. Wekerle's old programme, including two ecclesiastical Bills, and with a Ministry, said by the Times' correspondent, who has been too anxious all along, to possess the fall con- fidence of Parliament. Count Sailagyi, who was Minister of Justice, and was supposed to be specially obnoxious to the Court, becomes Speaker of the Lower House, and the only practical change is that Dr. Wekerle is for the moment out of office. The Clerical party recedes defeated, and the new Ministry expects to last as long as any other. That is the way in which, under the Emperor Francis Joseph, crises always end within the Hapsburg dominion. There is a furious Parliamentary or national quarrel ; it is asserted everywhere that Austria is going to pieces ; and then a way is found out of the trouble, and everything remains mulls as before.