The Cultnrkampf in Germany has come to a final end,
the Reichstag having voted that the Jesuits shall be re- admitted into the Empire. There is some doubt whether the Federal Council will agree to this vote, Bavaria being most reluctant to readmit the Order ; but the necessity for :obtaining the support of the Centre for the anti-Anarchist proposals will probably overcome all resistance. We sdo not care about the Jesuits one way or another, be- lieving that the effect of their action differs greatly in different States—here, for instance, they are successful -chiefly in education—but we are always pleased to see a purely mental force defeat a physical one ; and the re- seistance of the Papacy to the masters of legions has there- fore our sympathy. There is not an argument used by Prince Bismarck against the freedom of the Roman priest- hood, which is not an equally good argument against the Press. Journalists can mislead just as much as Jesuits, ee.nd often do.