19 JULY 1834, Page 10


Arrival—At Gravesend 3ely 15th, Ranlairg Castle, Eillel.ct ; met re anverenee

Magma, fr.ou ; Bette...it-IL Dont. from NiantiLios : 7th Pr-get:tor, Ma-

tenshaw. front nougat; awl not c'iArtl, tom lhoobay. ore 16th, Severn, bison, rrom di, f4). At Lit•erpool, hill, Norval, Watson, fr..aa ; lit It, 1;oorral ; 15111. Frances Anti, :lay, foam 'Seaga': and Town of Ross. Allen, From :A1:'nrillus. In the Clyde, 134,. osprey, Salmon, Irma tiorahay. At St. Telena, Slay nth, SI at,smatt lJahtBr, lino Singaport ; awl ;Nth. trlint, Whi".., from

Iletzal. t the Clay 3:1,eity of Etlinlairgh. etazer ; Fall. Mattson. Middleton ; Seppin Er.--netti; am! Ilantilton, 3311115Go ; all Prom London ; and ITrania. Donn.

from Liceris Az Niamh 4th, Eliza Stewart, from tn. Clyde ; and Cale- donia, —,fr mi LiVerrol. A;: itougal, eel,. 21st, Ilelvelh it. iron Liverpool. At Manilla, Fe,,. 511, SagleOlay.;-tea art, From Liverpool. At China, Feb. lSilt,Ainatola, ae,l Alit, Col:, Groan %maim: and Philip. Nhisters. from Liverpool. AL Ha- taaia, Marvi 13:1t. 119,1csott ; anal Perseverance, —, nom Liverpool.

Sai1e.1— From Gravesend, July 12th, Children, Ourneheo, for New Smith Wales; I51 Cloaks Carter, Christ all. for the Cape; 16th. London, NVimble, far ; and Janet. Alathisou, for Van Diemen 's Land. From Liverpool, 16th, Frank. Seawright, for gaurit ins.


Arrived-11ff. Portsmontli, Ann. Free, from New South Wales.