Fei ;cellaincitt The Following Address, Signed By 2'0...
the House of Commons, was presented to i..ord Althorp on Wednesday. " My Lon: -Contiec , 4 a • .a.. at the p e-e It e. • sho ,he ecree ate p•os0eri:e of :I . e er Ise woehl ben......
Count Ca - Los To.lonia, The Emicent !mike! Of Rome, Has...
at Mivac; s Hotel. Ce-tein financial operations are said to have brought this wepliey pe .SOPP;e to the British met (mous. Arguelles, one of the Sp.c&sh patriot.- lately in this......
The Town-Council of Edinburgh agreed, on Monday, to address the King on the subject of the recent Ministerial changes. The address concludes in these words- " We beg leave to......
SATURDAY NIGHT. From the notices of " Leave of Absence" on the Vote Paper, we see that the Session is becoming an insuportable toil Several of the Scottish Members are already......
A Series Of Lette-s Published In The Morning Chronicle...
the sig. nate,e of " Vismic.s," have recently attracted a good deal of public arent:ott. They are addcssed to Mr. STANLEY, Sir JAMES GRAHAM, the Duke of C.i.t IVI:RLAN el, and......
Births, Bim :maces. And Deaths.
I a S'o. re ree:. Lat'y o!. • F. Si,AW, Est. M.P., o7a coo. In 1 o , e tor ":• - e tile Lady e't , a;a:aiu L st•ttis, Gra sue. Tee Lair o • Co'o lc' or NV 'E 'V . col 1 o 0 -......