fEI ;cellaincitt The following address, signed by 2'0 Members of
the House of Commons, was presented to i..ord Althorp on Wednesday.
" My Lon: -Contiec,4 a•.a.. at the p e-e It e.•sho ,he ecree ate p•os0eri:e of :I.e er Ise woehl ben ro.ao.rtl. by yone •• be • t ; a .• ;arc in ids 111• - jes.y a roe te:'s we be.:: .0 e:.e.e • 01 , C) • yea • e • if h's shoald be ksa:t'o•sly pica. o ' C a co:. I. 'ea of , .C': 'a we •te.; :o you that we shall I • pea:. .0 1•110.1; oyo • 1,0.1' I 00. S • • •
in.:0 effect toe re 'oars; •t• i r • 0:e ne • 0, by .0e rod I ••y, I I pc-
co,ea.-070 nttlt :bat She . e • ecru ist :ey v..fea - to p o Je .de g.0;t: 111 saluta/ me- •,e P.... ".• ire:y r • 0 We 7, .4).e .. we sin." .it
oar ditay to our ocs t.., ...0 e .he s o' .1•0 7 e. r ‘) • 'Los
et .,10..e.; our co e 71E' I.o •' ) r e ci at u.,o,n yon ma r yoa,..' will act upon Co a. L' at • I. p..* is id . ifthd _ ion 4.t. 'mirk a trill S.
It is understood that Earl Grey hes rveived a 3e::.er fwm 1i . Stanley, e::pressing his deep re„--et tt'i in his late speech he had been beitayed into the use of !ling teazle tespec.'-'; I:s Ia e tees:sees for w; 'ch be is now sincerely sorry.
Tue persoral and political fiends of Lod G :ev e promoting a plicate subscription of 2(301. to eeable them to Fesent Lady C ey with a sta.ue of the late Premier.
Tha::. Ea-1 Grey has for some .ione past been ser--,' sg under boo.] v etisPOS.i00 must have been mpo'f-st to :I in the halit of a teading e House of Peeis. He was e'most Fovr.'atri-r. io lie .,oett ban;,'ng hs be d and looking ve y melane:oly, rs 7 s.•".c I•orn the pay. 15 well as men.:..' ro,isceueot 0-1 toe cotes of &Ice. For come months n.-st, be S^Cq.1^(1 RIO -ow, to h e et have a i-de-cy ' Thotigh sue..o.stulen on all litacis by i,'eed , it wes vey te'don e spoke to pry of them. T'ae oely time that a sni"e bos sz c play on Eft:, in tl e bo,'se of Lo os, %yrs w:sen .e Lo 'a C la ire or bad made so-ne of 1-is ha1 n'es.-. and tech.; lannows hi - a hen and..e the'r Lordsrns. We tione si werely !ela qtror ice cs es of -office may testare his Lo..dsiftis to It The Cosse-y,..*ve n:-.51pn.-- i 'eluding the De'v Wt.'"ngsor S'r Robeit Peel nail tl e'r C45.eet Cn.tac 'or end Ittedv...;e,p; rusm, Croke-, d'eeci to„ else: on S..t.--ciav at the C own r'd S, en. e 't.ve .n,
at Greenwich to cut white Imit. A iec d:ne^ (.he .00nir'es '-
tiled, in the of the Feeeeria ons), we a e ie o 'and by a icr.,---.- .sponnent, the conve P ned a po':tical cher. eee, a,:11 tie d^..tate
was stosray.. weds we e used by (v..... bat the
pa-lies became treorelect tb t e tn'erveption oi' a 'ag noble Lod, and the rema'eder of the evesies w ,s in eonsequerev
spent in limn% g aeod:I.'e. [Tee S d deries the quanelling a id mystery of tie roce.•on-.]
The co-..e.no.sdee, e relrt've to the e-oecriioa of TOti;j0S and the depth of Boyd las bn.1 'd be-0 e tne Eioe -e of CO•11110,1?.. confirms the pt. v.- -. 1 fects e. cif ke"ole the nit') 'e. Mo.- o .-resnoeden with To 'it). twee,. the s n5' t: e 'p o aed it ee of his letters a e neV-i-ed; corn which itaate.. t nit he e • ..•.-pd • eve thin, for the IP--cf:.; o" inv. res... t5e p .'or the 'op. These V tv, e cored in P
witch Tn d.onned .003 er lend The S i, tai .iiCol.sa.' at
Giirultar was also t the n'o., and p. :0 '211 r -.■ .o a ty measutes to prevent i".e v^ .-^1. wrcli To Jos and Ws
C01119a1;09S we e elna. As as t me'l qt'" on o the lian;liti of Boyd .o be sic i • e seems no dou be sv..s no cr ors'y
• aci.ve • p.enta-rg v.( 'cri; r ii-c to .re nooae,-ce of To . 'jos wild Aloreno, wo.e it solic'e 'y demoes: Ps i e'er .oas 07 the latter. po-cr,s bevoso done,; th...t the 5. ini-ct'a.e ou:s• : of the invade.s was to st'r up so 1',A.1 el .:on in the SuoTsh dominions. Indeed. peevioasli to s ae be "*.,g of To 'jos s resse1, Boyd bed joined with some Spaaies ie .•-•eos itrtr cc' rt is .te Sn..eish .linns . 5s c'e, • 1.)St 310-0^0 St10 ECyla u'ihout an express wer.-ent ate toe ; b. t Oee. it wo.::(1 seem ...t it; ,..•s a ; er- wards approved of by I 's Sot-, M • . Ma a the E." Co?sc I at Na'a3.. 11,1 . AO(' tit; ot r Amu s..no: ai 111..t; 'd, and Lo ti P.mmession we e r ve. rt. ve 5,a t:te'r inv. 'es o tee rttual C' etnns.se. ea th's Eve y c7o.t: w. 'made .0 t...ve the Lie of
-the n -.6 yo.'ng man ; bat Moreno a n e to them
lltlavailitu. A 'tes te..d.o,r all the 6ocatne.t, • we I 0.1e1 the following °Ono.' oc' M.-. Md. expressed in his to Lo d Paine.-.ton on the 27,th Ma!, Goqe-trel; am t • a 't the p- rtdoub re'ed a most mean and o ;oat IS sj ..•41 0 • . eh a fly deice a v;siona Lut e ti. o •or Pei • . ' n' t. .I 0:11:' • et a •d ce se: out.. on C'.,.- • st,..h ...ed ; •o-to :i • • .17, a I a I ;sir rec.ioa is ace they 1- :o uitS 0.- CI • t 1.; pox w.th nr,rs i ,their bards. luckless they we... I apprehene., lishle to punishuse.d ; although it was unjust and unmanly in the Government to nunish with death persoes deluded by their own ezency ; no the act of treason, in the commissioa of which they we,e taken."
In case Colonel Torrens should go out to Australia as Goveinor of the New Colony, a strong contest is expected for the representation of BO:on, bet wpea Mr. Ashton Yates and Mr. P. Ainsworth, who ret.i4es in the tici:,hboutbood.