Practice And Professions; Lord Brougham And Pluralities.
IT is not long since we called attention to the appointment of the Honourable and Reverend Jour; FORTESCUE, a brother of Lord EBRINGTON, to a Prebendal Stall in Worcester......
Topics Of The Day.
STATE OF PUBLIC BUSINESS ; FALSE EXCUSES FOR THE WHIG MINISTERS. THE second session of the Reformed Parliament draws towards a close, and we shall soon have to sum up its......
Political Gratitude—whig Whinings.
WHEN the Whig Ministers are accused of inattention to their duties, want of preparation, falsification of promises, and departure from principle, their partisans have one reply......
A Bad Joke.
" It was the glory of Elizabeth that she selected for her Ministers statesmen responding to the spirit of the age. In a constitutional monarchy, such as that which now happily......
More Military Torture.
IT excites both disgust and horror to read the account, given by a correspondent of the Times, of another of those dreadful exhi- bitions of military torture with which the Army......