Count Ca - los To.lonia, the emicent !mike! of Rome, has arrived
at Mivac; s Hotel. Ce-tein financial operations are said to have brought this wepliey pe .SOPP;e to the British met (mous.
Arguelles, one of the Sp.c&sh patriot.- lately in this country-at least so lately as the oct as'on of the dinner to Genera' Mina at the Albion -bps been chosen representative to the Cores for the province of Asturias. The elect° s, as a mark V esteem for his principles, and a proof of their recoll-ction of his pest services in the last Cortes, have raised by sub vription the sum necessa.; to qualify 15'm to take his seat PS a Procurado;
The decision of the Court of Premiere ins'ance at Sancel re has just been given in favour of the plaintiffs Beaeclerk and others, against the Duke of Richmord; but the profits (jovissens-s) of the esti.te of Au- bigov are to be ,'lowed the claimants from the date of the COMMUCC. meat of the suit only.