The Librallt Committee of the House of Commons has informed
the House, that a large and valuable accession of books has been received from the French Government, in consequence of that agreement which was some time ago come to, to exchange the legislative and administra. live printed documents of the two countries. The following advertisement is from a Newfoundland paper of the 10th ult. " Auction—To-morrow, at 12 in the forenoon, if not previously .redeemed, at the house now occupied by Mrs. Traverse, the under- mentioned articles, taken by distress for rent, due from the Legislative Assembly of Newfoundland to the subscriber ; viz. One large desk, .containing eight drawers, filled with a variety of books and papers, of every description ; one small ditto, used exclusively by the Speaker, and filled also with books and papers, and a portfolio of great value ; the Speaker's chair, stuffed and elegantly covered with blue moreen, and .mounted with brass ; one large chair, stuffed and superbly covered, and well and substantially built, used by the Usher of the Black Rod. A cocked hat, of superior quality, but now a little shabby, worn by the Sergeant-at-Arms!! The Reporter's desk ; two large stoves, with funneling, and six covered forms ; with u variety of other articles too ttedious to mention—all very valuable. Terms made known on the day of sale.—Mary Traverse."