A correspondent of the Times asserts, that almost all the function- aries employed about the Castle in Dublin, are in the Orange interest, and are constantly plotting against the Government. He maintains that the whole body should be swept away, and matters put on an en- tirely new footing. " The law department of the Government ought to be immediately attended to, and particularly the emoluments of legal functionaries. Will you credit it, that on an average every second reply written from Dublin Castle is submitted for the perusal and opinion of some one or other of the lawyers who hover about that rookery daily? A mistaken feeling or popular prejudice, cer- tainly of long standing and almost universal in Ireland, is, that there are such secret instructions given by Government there to the Law Officers, that you cannot venture to dismiss them, but on parting must promote them to secure silence. A new Minittry should not only dispel this unfounded belief, but set an example of their purity of intention."
The 12th of July, the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne, passed off tranquilly. In several places, however, the Orangemen, in viola- tion of the law, had processions, and marched with banners and music; but generally they confined their demonstrations of joy to the display of flags from their houses, to festive meetings, and to the playing of their favourite tunes within doors, which the Cathfics did not take any steps to oppose.
A provincial Bank Director has absconded, leaving a considerabl debt in the concern he was attached to. Seven of the named Direc- tors of the new National Bank have disclaimed any connexion with the concern.—Cork Paper.