The Prince Imperial was buried on Saturday, at Chislehurst, with
a stately military ceremonial, the Queen herself depositing a wreath of laurels in gold upon the coffin ; and the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Connaught, the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Leopold, the Crown Prince of Sweden, M. Rouher, and the Due do Bassano acted as pall- bearers. Prince Napoleon Jerome and his sous were chief mourners, and were followed by the members of the Bona- parte family, the leading French Imperialists, and the Ambassadors or Secretaries of Legation from the Courts of all Europe, including Germany. About 12,000 visitors assem- bled by train, and the entire crowd of spectators, which included many of the foremost names in the country, is believed to have exceeded 20,000. NO incident of interest occurred, but it is re- ported that an interview arranged to have taken place between Prince Jerome and the Empress Eugdnie did not come off. According to one account, the Empress agreed to receive the Prince, but at the last moment, owing to "a revulsion of feeling," refused to do so ; but according to another, more generally received by Bonapartists, the Prince drove straight to London, declining to see the widow. Captain Carey has been found guilty of misbehaviour by the court-martial, and has been sent home to England under arrest. There is a persistent rumour that he has been sentenced to be shot, but it is something more than improbable.