19 JULY 1879, page 23

Wild Life In A Southern County. By The Author Of

"The Game- keeper at Home." (Smith and Elder.)—The writer comes with an introduction which cannot fail to secure him a welcome. He has already shown himself to be a genuine......

The Church Missiomary Atlas. With Thirty-one Maps,...

&c. (Church Missionary House : Seeleys.)—This is the sixth edition of a work which was originally published in 1857. Its originator was the Rev. W. Knight, but in its present......

Entombed Alice, And Other Songs And Ballads. From The...

By George Carter Stmt. (William 11. Allen and Co.)—It was a mistake to put such a very ghastly performance as "Entombed Alive" in the first of this collection, though it gives a......

Common Mimi Troubles, And The Secret Of A Clear Head.

By J. Mortimer Granville. (Hardwick° and Bogne.)—These are two little books which deserve considerable praise. in both Dr. Granville gives his renders some shrewd advice, and......

Heronden ; Or, Some Passages Of Country Life. 2 Vo L E .

By G. Goldney. (Provost.)—We are to consider this, we suppose, a first Work, If so, we look upon it as showing very considerable promise. The improvement which is discernible......

Church And State ; Chiefly In Notation To Scotland. By

Robert Rainy, D.D., lord Moncrieff, and A. Taylor Innes. (Nelson and 601113.)—Wo can speak highly of the ability and candour with which these essays, for the most part, arc......

Sketches Of French History. By T. Adolphus Trollope....

Son.)—These sketches are, for the most part, reprinted from vari- ous periodicals. "They consist," the author tolls us, "of passages from history, chosen for the sake of the......

Lcssing's Dramatic Works. Vol. Ii. Ernest Boll, M.a....

and Sons.)—This volatile contains eight of Lessing's plays (comedies) ; of those, tho first five are now for the first time trans- lated into English. " Damon ; or, True......