The Government Have Almost Smuggled A Bill Through...
placing an income-tax of 1 per cent. on the incomes of Charities, for the purpose of paying the expenses of the Charity Commission. The friends of the Charities are indignant,......
Mr. Parnell's Motion Of Yesterday, Week Disapproving The...
the Speaker in ordering notes to be taken of the pro- ceedings of Committees without any communication with the House, was supported by himself and Mr. O'Connor Power, in......
The Prince Imperial Was Buried On Saturday, At...
a stately military ceremonial, the Queen herself depositing a wreath of laurels in gold upon the coffin ; and the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Connaught, the Duke of Cambridge,......
Lord Cranbrook Made A Great Party Speech At The Crystal
Palace on Wednesday, to the West Kent Conservative Associa- tion, in which he exulted that, at all events, that division of Kent, —West Kent,—had never been " polluted " by the......
The Committee On Foreign Wines Has Reported Against The...
method of calculating the duties. We now levy a duty of a shilling a gallon on wine below the alcoholic strength of twenty-six degrees, and of half-a-crown on wine above that......
In The House Of Commons Discussion Upon The Course Of
business on Monday, Lord Hartington fell foul of Sir Robert Peel, whom he described as "the most irregular Member in the House," an expression which he qualified, when Sir......
The Unmeaning Bill Called The Irish University Bill...
second reading on Monday, and its third on Tuesday, in the House of Lords, in the former case after a slight discussion, in which Lord }hilly made a very telling criticism upon......