Mr. Tracy Turnerelli is going for his holiday, leaving the
re- jected wreath, "fully paid for," in the hands of his banker, and leaving, he says, his " efforts" to serve Lord Beaconsfield "to a just, unbiassed, and discriminating British public, who, I feel sure, will do me justice." We have always done him justice. We regard his undertaking itself as one that was better calculated to help the British public to estimate Lord Beaconsfield aright, than anything else undertaken by the great Conservative party. We look upon his letter tendering the wreath to Lord Beaconsfield, and explaining the gigantic efforts it had cost him to obtain 52,800 pennies for the purchase of the wreath, as a model of candour and a bit of most useful information. We think he has earned his holiday nobly, and trust he will enjoy it thoroughly. If it is sad to him to leave the wreath in the hands of his bankers, he must console himself by thinking that he has fairly earned such another wreath for ,himself, by procuring it and tendering it to Lord Beaconsfield. Is it no- thing that he has for ever bound up himself withoLord Beacons- field, and Lord Beaconsfield with himself, in a tie,of association closer than any wreath could bind? Mr. Tracy Turnerelli has made us think of himself as the Lord 13eaoonstiold of testi- mouialists, and has made us think of Lord Beaconsfield as the Tracy Tunaerelli of statesmen,—aud what would be have more P