19 JULY 1940, Page 15


Sm,—You state in your " News of the Week " that Mr. Chamberlain, who controls a large majority of the House of Commons, is indis- pensable.

How many 3f this large majority would retain their seats if the electorate were given a chance of expressing their views? We can answer not only for ourselves but also for practically all the Conserva- tives we know, who one and all declare they will never vote Con- servative again.

We have never before had a House of Commons which so mis- represented the opinion of the country. They have betrayed all the principles for which they were elected.

It is amazing that the Conservative leaders and newspapers seem entirely unaware of the deep and bitter anger felt by Conservative voters throughout the country at the successive betrayals of Mr. Cham- berlain's Government. It is just the fact that these men are still in Mr. Churchill's Government which has misled foreigners and con- tributed to the downfall of democracy in one country after another.—