Fox And The Bastille Sir,—your Quotation Of Charles James...
words "How much the greatest event that ever happened, and how much the best," as apply- ing to the fall of the Bastille, has the constantly repeated authority of text-boob to......
, G Can The Pope Speak ?"
Sit,—" Can the Pope Speak? " by Christopher Hollis, is a yen interesting and valuable article. But how can a writer of such keen intelligence believe and maintain (as he appears......
France And Art
Sta,—In his fascinating article on " The Enduring Italy " last week, Mr. Charles Morgan writes : " Paris is a delight because no one there considers it a waste of time to......
" Besieged 1 "
silt,—This is no time for nice distinctions or pedantic definitions. Dr. Bailey must know full well what the words " siege " and " besieged" convey to the ordinary person, and......
" English Quislings"
S ta,—There is a law of libel. It is unfortunately a bad law, a notoriously bad one, and I am not sufficiently wealthy to risk pub- lishing the names of eminent English......
A Voice From The Ranks
Sat,—Private Atkins is singularly fortunate. I served for four years in the O.T.C. and took a first-class University degree ; but for the last four months I have been engaged on......
Radio War News
Sm,—If Mr. Wansey Bayly's suggestion of twice-daily war news bulletins be adopted it is to be feared that many busy persons will have few chances of hearing any news at all.......
Mr. Chamberlain's Majority
Sm,—You state in your " News of the Week " that Mr. Chamberlain, who controls a large majority of the House of Commons, is indis- pensable. How many 3f this large majority would......
Support For China
Stit,—The weak attitude of appeasement which we seem to be taking in regard to Japan's impudent demand to close the Sino-Burma road ti supplies is profoundly disturbing. Now......
The Peril Of Ireland Sm,—the Real Danger Facing Eire Is
that she may drift into a position involving a border clash between her National Army and the British forces in Northern Ireland. From what we know of the Nazi philo- sophy of......
" If Hitler Came "
Slit,—If anyone can believe that it would be only a change in name "if Hitler came," your article should enlighten him. Nevertheless, it omits to mention what to some of us is......