, G Can The Pope Speak ?"
Sit,—" Can the Pope Speak? " by Christopher Hollis, is a yen interesting and valuable article. But how can a writer of such keen intelligence believe and maintain (as he appears......
Letters To The Editor
[In view of the paper shortage it is essential that letters on these pages should be brief. We are anxious not to reduce the number of letters, but unless they are shorter they......
Sra,—surely Dr. Selbie Is Wrong In Making These Two Words
alterna- tives, whereas in- truth Dogma is really the expression in words of Doctrine, as ratified by the decision of a Council, which has subse- quently received the acceptance......
Sir,—with Reference To Dr. Selbie's Letter : The...
of " dogma " (apart from its use as an abusive epithet) is: " Opinion ; the body of opinion formulated and authoritatively stated ; a doctrinal system." The relevance or......
The Aliens Problem
Sne,—The following facts about a refugee for whom I am guarantor and who was an inmate of my house until his internment three weeks ago, deserve publication as an instancy of......