19 JUNE 1880, Page 1


fr HE second Conference of Berlin assembled on the 16th inst.,

and elected Prince Hohenlohe president. Neither Turkey nor Greece is represented; but the former Power has a competent re- presentative (M. Brailas) on the spot, while the latter sends no one. Indeed, in its official reply to the Identical Note informing it of the intention to hold a Conference the Porte affects to accept the action of the Powers very cordially, if the decision to be taken "has no other object than to prepare a 'conciliatory line of action, calculated to lead to an agreement *freely accepted by the Power which is in possession of the dis- puted territory." If it has a further object, then the Porte re- serves itself, which means that it will resist the decision of Europe just as long as it can. The proceedings of the Conference -are secret; but it appears to be understood that an agreement has been substantially arrived at, and that the 40th parallel may be roughly taken as the northern boundary of Greece. 'This gives the Greeks Jannina, the grand subject of quarrel, but will make it necessary to use force in carrying out the award. Turkey will not openly resist, but the Albanians are collecting round Jannina in great force, and may destroy the city. It is stated officially in the Times that Austria has accepted Mr. Gladstone's compromise as regards Montenegro, which will therefore receive the Dulcigno territory, in lieu of former cessions.