19 JUNE 1880, page 24
Cetshwayo's Dutchman. By Cornelius Vijn, Translated From...
edited with Preface and Notes, by the Right Rev. J. W. Colons°, D.D., Bishop of Natal. (Longmans.)—Mr.Vijn is a young Dutchman, who crossed into Zululand for the purpose of......
Rodman The Keeper : Southern Section. By Constance...
(D. Appleton and Co., New York.)—These are sketches of life in the Southern States, picturing meetly with a quite remarkable power the condition of things which has resulted......
Lord Liaskelyne's Daughter. By Rosa Mackenzie Kettle. (j....
are told, under the date of April, 1880, that this is a "new story," we do not quite see the meaning of the special "author's edition" that appears on the title-page, unless it......