The Cabul Correspondent Of The Times, Who Forwards, We...
official intelligence upon this subject, declares that the Chinese army in Kashgar has actually entered Kuldja; and that all the Mussulmans of the Khanates are excited, either......
The Motion For The Adjournment Of The Debate Was Thrice
negatived, by majorities of 106, 166, and 201 respectively, when at last Mr. O'Donnell declared that he only wished to explain the question he was about to put to the Government......
Two Separate Sets Of Reports Are Arriving From...
to one set, Abdnrrahman Khan is advancing on Cabal, either with an army or with a guard of two thousand men, and the British Government has forwarded to him an "ultimatum." If......
It Would Be A Good Day For The Greeks If
Englishmen would call their country "Hellas," as they ought to do, and its people " Hellenes." The change is, we suppose, impossible, but a begin- ning has been made, for the......
The Idea For Which We Have Contended For Eighteen Years
—that Liberals should seek the farmers as their natural allies —seems to have been accepted at last, and on Wednesday a deputation of farmers from all parts of Great Britain......
Hereupon Arose A Debate, Which Lasted Many Hours, And Which
was full of heat and mutual recriminations. Mr. Parnell, disowning all sympathy with Mr. O'Donnell's question midcourse, still protested against such a silencing of a minority......
On Thursday, When Mr. O'donnell Was To Have Put His
further questions to the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, it appeared that the Speaker had struck out a portion of these questions, on the ground that they referred......
We Have Discussed Elsewhere The Precise Meaning Of The "new
clause" introduced by Mr. Forster into the Irish Relief Bill, about which so 'much is being said in political circles. The clause is an effort to extend the Land Act of 1870, so......