Sut,—It is interesting to note that Mr. Lucien Wolf in his
" refutation " of the Jewish peril is also anxious to refute all evidence on the activities of the illuminati and other secret societies. After enumerating some of the best-known works on this subject Mr. Wolf informs us that they all " fell flat " as " the blood of the public refused to be curdled." May I be allowed to point out that this statement is not altogether accurate? Barruel's book created an immense sensation; the entire first edition of the English translation was sold out before the fourth volume reached the Press. I have before me as I write two pamphlets published in London in 1798 and 1799, which clearly indicate the effect produced by Barruel's warning in this country, whilst in America, as Professor Vernon Stauffer in his book The Bavarian Illuminati recently described, the works of Barruel and of Robinson (to which Mr. Wolf does not refer) created something like a panic. As to M. Gougenot des Mousseaux's book, Le JO. is Judaisme at la Judaisation des Peuples Chretiens, it has been said— whether with any truth or not perhaps Mr. Wolf can inform us--that the first edition was mysteriously bought up in the same manner that we are told Nilus's "Protocols" were bought up in Russia, and that the author died a sudden and inexplicable death on the eve of bringing out a second edition.
It is true, however, that in spite of all the evidence of con-
temporaries on the r6le of the secret societies throughout the revolutionary movement, the importance of these organizations has never been properly appreciated by the general public, but this is owing solely to the fact that the work of conceal- ment has been so carefully carried out. Some one once remarked that " all history has been written by the Whigs," and it might be added that nearly all histories of the revolutionary move- ment that began in 1789 have been written by revolutionaries, that is to say, by men whose sympathies lay with one or other of the intrigues at work beneath it. Thus Mr. G. P. Gooch recently devoted a lengthy treatise to demonstrating—without producing any proof—that neither the Prussian Government nor The Bavarian Illuminati played any part in engineering the French Revolution. Incidentally we find Mr. Gooch's signa- ture appended to the " Let-down-Germany-gently" petition to our Government in the matter of the Treaty of Versailles. It is, therefore, not surprising that the latest defender of the Illuminati, an organization whose aim was to destroy Christian civilization, should have referred to " the demoniacal attitude of Christianity " towards the Jewish race.
I presume that an article entitled " The Anti-Jewish Agita- tion," by Mr. Lucien Wolf, published in The Nineteenth Century for February, 1881, p. 356, was written by the same Mr. Lucien Wolf as the writer of last week's letter. At the same time we should do well to take warning by Mr. Wolf's disclosures on German Macchiavellism. Not so very long ago Englishmen who suggested the existence of a Hidden Hand working in the interests of German Imperialism were declared
to be scaremongers. Now we find the Hidden Hand very much a reality after all, and engaged in nefarious work this time— not the harmless enterprise of breaking up the British Empire, but forging documents against the Jews. So there are some conspirators we may be allowed to believe in. Perhaps Mr. Wolf may be right in his surmise. Parts of the " Protocols " certainly read like a translation from the German. And the promised Messiah is only a sort of super-Junker. But if the Germans were really capable of thinking out so dark en intrigue why may we not believe in that of the Illuminati?-1