The Plumage Bill.
(To THE EDITOR or THE " Seccoveron."1 Sra,—Mr. H. J. Massingham's letter in your last issue opens up so many lines of attack that I hesitate which to choose. But I trust you......
The Jewish Peril—a " Protocol " Of A Century Ago.
(To THE EDITOR or TEM " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Your correspondent Mr. Lucien Wolf refers in last week's issue to the work of the Chevalier Gougenot des Monsseaux, Le Juil. le......
Supping With The Devil.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."' Sra,—Mr. Churchill had the temerity to assert some time ago that Labour was not fit to govern. If he had said that Labour, or rather the......
President Roosevelt And The Kaiser.
[To THE .EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."' Sin,—I have now read Mr. Thayer's delightful life of Roosevelt, and the biographer on p. 228 certainly suggests that the Alge- ciras......