" Specification, 1920."
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In offering you our very cordial thanks for the notice, in your issue of June 6th, of Specification, 1900, we would beg permission to......
A New Science.
[Taeirs EDITOR OF THE " EPEOTLTOR."] Sin,—It is interesting to find that " A New Science," under which title you review Mr. E. A. Craddock's Class Boom Republic, is, at any rate......
Christian Crosses At Jerusalem.
CT° SKR EDITOR . OF TBr, " SFEDIATOR."] SIR,—Archdeaoon Beresford Potter writes in your issue of May 8th that " the Zionists in Jerusalem are objecting to the crosses on our......
The Fifth Cheltenham Conference.
To rim Elmo* or ins "Sreorerwit.") Sm.—Perhaps you will permit me this year, as in previous years, to give your readers a brief amount of the above Confer- ence of Anglican......
Nature Red In Tootu And Claw. [to Tice Roma Or
me "Sescrerois."] Sta,—A. letter in your correspondence columns (Spectator, June 12th, 1920) eneouragei "the hope of inducing game pre- servers to give the buzzard fair play."......
Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or ors marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the......
Spat Atur
TERMS 01? SUBSCRIPTION. U Including postagedo m £2 to any part of the Y ear 1 2 ly. OVZ,RSOAS POST:AGA. Including postage to any of the British Dominions and Colonies and India;......