CT° SKR EDITOR. OF TBr, " SFEDIATOR."] SIR,—Archdeaoon Beresford Potter writes in your issue of May 8th that " the Zionists in Jerusalem are objecting to the crosses on our soldiers' graves, and that the crosses are either being removed, or that such a thing is in the air." I wish to give the roost emphatic denial to this false and malicious statement. No Jews, whether Zionists or not, have ever raised the slightest objection, or could think of raising any objection, to the crosses on Christian graves; I passed the cemetery yesterday—the orosses have not been removed, nor do we Jews know anything about their removal being in the air. I have never heard of any one, Jew or not. making any such sugges- tion. I trust the Archdeacon will reprove his lying cormspondents, and that he himself will refrain from making
statements of this kind in the Press without full inquiry.-- I am, Sir, &c., M. D. Enna. Zionist Commission, Jerusalem, May 31st.