Sra,—Mr. Churchill had the temerity to assert some time ago that Labour was not fit to govern. If he had said that Labour, or rather the Labour Party, which is not at all the same thing, whether fit or not actually did govern through its instrument the Coalition Government he would have been nearer the mark. In matters of hours and wages it always gets its own way, and it now seems to have been equally successful in the domain of foreign policy. For ever since the Kerensky revolution its watchword has been " hands off Russia," and now after suc- cessive, and doubtless reluctant, steps in that direction, we find the Prime Minister of England receiving and probably shaking hands with comrade Krassin, the emissary of a camari//a—one cannot dignify it by the name " Government "—which Mr. Churchill aptly described as a " bloody baboonry."
The ordinary business man is chary of dealing with people of doubtful character who have only stolen money to buy with and no goods to sell, but commercial ethics do not of course tie the hands of Prime Ministers. Why the Labour Party should be so enamoured of the Russian Terror and so inimical to poor Poland is difficult to understand, but possibly Government and Labour Party alike are actuated by a common influence, and the solicitude for the Indian illuminati, which is so prominent a feature of the correspondence between the Secretary of State for India and the Viceroy, and the fact that 90 per cent. of the Soviet commissaries are Jews who now have an opportunity of chastising with scorpions the Russian people who have chastened them with whips, may possibly afford an explanation of an attitude co foreign to English traditions. However this may be, it is not very pleasant to Englishmen to be jeered at by French and Americans alike for having traffic for purely selfish motives with the unclean thing, and it is surely time that all to whom the honour of their country is dear• should'
join with the Society for Upholding Political Honour in register-
ing their protest.—I am, Sir, &c., F. D. FOWLER. West Kensington.