[To vas EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] notice with pleasure
the letter under the above heading which appeared in the Spectator of June 5th from my friend, Dr. Jared S. Moore, of the Western Reserve University, Cleveland; together with the generous reference to our work -which you have been good enough to make. If any of your readers, either in the United States or in Great Britain, who desire to help on a better understanding between our two peoples, would care to communicate with us, we shall be pleased to send them details of the English-Speaking Union, together with a copy of our monthly magazine, The Landmark. All -who are working for a better understanding between the English-speaking peoples feel deeply indebted to the Spectator for the part it is playing in making us better known to one another.—I am, Sir, &c., Joan Evatts WRENCH, Hon. Secretary. Trafalgar Buildings, 1 Charing Cross, London, W.C. 2.