The Home Rgle Rill has Made Negress in Committee this
week. On Monday the Government carried a unanimous amendment to clause 10 by which, while the Council pf Ireland is to control the railways, either the Northern or Southern Parliament may construct railways lying within its own part of the island. On Tuesday Mr. Long promised to reconsider the question of securing representation for the loyalist minority in the Southern Parliament. He suggested that the proposed Second Chamber might afford them some protection, He had, he said, put down two new clauses to curb a Sinn Fein Parliament. One clause provides that every candidate nominated for the Northern and Southern Parliaments shall take the oath of allegiance, failing which his nomination shall be treated as withdrawn. The other clause provides that if in either House of Commons lees than half the members are elected or take the oath, the Parliament may be dissolved and the government vested in the Lord Lieutenant, Whether a Sinn Feiner who thinks it no crime to murder a policeman would hesitate to commit perjury by taking the oath of allegiance to the King is a question that may not have occurred to Mr. Long.