Canada To - Day, 1920. Edited by W. Lefroy. (Canada Office. 2s.
6d.)—This attractive and readable account of the Dominion, the annual publication of which was suspended during the war, has reappeared. As the editor says, Canada has changed and prOgreased 'during the past six years, and the book, With its Many illustrations, reflects the immense activities of the country. As a work of reference it is useful ; the gazetteer may be commended. A special section is clevoted to emigration. A table shows that a typical family budget'for food increased only from 7 dollars 96 cents a week in December, 1914, to 14 dollars 73 cents last December, and that the total, with coal, lighting and rent, increased from 14 dollars 25 cents to 23 dollars 49 cents in the same period. If these figures are anywhere near the truth —they are based on the average prices in sixty cities—Canada suffered less• from the war, in respect of high prices, than the United States did. It is good to know of a country where living is still relatively cheap.