The British policy should be'to allow Jews to enter Palestine,
to buy by private arrangement houses and lands, or in the case of waste lands to get concessions to reclaim them, but never to do more than to endorse private bargains in the matter of land purchase. That does no harm to anybody, and indeed does good to the existing population, for if Judea flourishes so should all its inhabitants. Unfortunately, however, the Jews who have already come into the promised land are beginning to act with a good deal of arrogance, and have created and encouraged fears in the Mos- lem and Christian population which outnumbers the Jews by something like fifteen to one. They believe that if the Jews are given sovereign power in Palestine, they, the Moslems and Christians, will be turned out neck and crop or else actually enslaved by the Jews, and these alarms and fears, absurd no doubt, but none the less inflammatory, have thrown all Palestine, and especially Jerusalem, into a condition of panic.