It is a sign of the times that among the
most well-informed rotestants against such desecration are the motorists. Not 1 motorists arc exclusive lovers of speed and sophistication. hey regard their car as a shuttle enabling the thread of their yes to pass through a more ample web of beauty and evoke pattern of memorable design. For example, " M. C. F." The Motor gives some dreadfully precise descriptions of ie rapid taming of Windermere Lake (one of the first to be xploitcd), of Ullswater, Ilaweswater, Mardale, Loweswater, run-muck, Buttermere, Ennerdale : and expresses fears yen for " Upper Eskdale and the wild recesses of Bow Fell, tinkle Crags, and the sinister valleys beneath the precipices f Sea Fell and Sea Fell Pike." The facts are plain, even if e fears are not well grounded. We , need two things : 1) Rural planning, by which the local councils (taking counsel 'ith architects and the C.P.R.E., at 33 Bloomsbury Square) all rob " development " of its sting, has become an urgent actical necessity. (2) The idea of reserving certain " scenery actuaries " on the model of bird sanctuaries is worth national ttention especially where, as in part of the Lakes, the nation wns the hill-tops.
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