[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir:, Whenever I Travel,
I look out for a smoking compartment with no women or children in it, and I usually have some difficulty in finding one. So long as they invade smoking carriages, it is idle for......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Two Canaries Kept By
my wife were accidentally let free by me last Sunday, since when, each succeeding dawn, the first bird note to be heard has been that of our lost cock eanary. Both birds, of......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir, In His Letter,.
Captain Fairhohne says, " The Protection of Birds Act, 1925, has done a great deal towards putting an end to this cruelty." I am sorry, but it is necessary to correct the chief......
The Ancient Chantry Of Milton [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR.] SIR,—On behalf of the Gravesend Borough Library, supported by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, and many others, I venture to ask for the courtesy......
The Last Quartets [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—the
last paragraph of Mr. Basil Maine's article on Beet- hoven was truly unfortunate. He rightly objects to that obnoxious kind of Beethoven exegesis which describes the last......
The Cage Bird Cult [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Slit,— Probably the most telling (though unintentional) indictnient of the whole pitiable business of imprisoning birds is contained in an article which appeared recently in a......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
ft SIR ; I have been an habitual smoker for over forty years. expect to continue being one. But I never have my mea served in a smoking-room, nor do I sleep in one ; which is ab......