Mr. Wade's Engaging Book, Rambles In Cathedral Cities...
Bd.), reminds us once again of how much there is to see in England that is really 'worth seeing. It l aaY be doubted whether one in every hundred of our nglish readers has seen......
Mr. George Ullman, Who Was The Business Manager Of The
late Rudolpho Alfonzo Raffaelo Pierre Filibert Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antonguolla, has written a really interesting book in The Real Valentino (Pearson. 3s. lid.). " Rudy," as......
How Good A Guide-book Is, If Only It Contains Enough
in for- nation to help the traveller and enough imaginative digression to amuse him and whet his appetite I A Pilgrim in Picardy Chapman and Hall, 12s. 6d.) is very good indeed,......
Lord Montagu Of • Beattlieti *rites Very Interestingly In...
(George Gill. 2s.) of various problems affecting motorists. In a decade, •he says, the present number of motor vehicles in Great Britain may be doubled. " The newest working......
This Week's Books
Tins reviewer„ well remembers -the famous Sir Pratap, preux chevalier of that ancient line of warriors, the Rathores, Sons of the Sun,", whose pedigree extends back in a direct......
How Many Of Us Know That The Wife Of A
Viceroy of Peru who fell ill of a fever gave her name to that invaluable medicine, quinine ? No doubt there is a romance connected with the Spanish gentleman, who although he......
The Modern Health Books Published By Messrs. Faber And Gwyer
(3s. 6d.) supply a very definite demand on the part of the public to be better informed about the human body. The latest volume in this series is Nerves, by Dr. Frazer Harrison,......
The New Competition Ais. Our Readers Have Doubtless Read...
Fair. We offer in our New Competition a prize of £5 for the best pub- lisher's notice, such as is generally printed on.the wrapper of a book, describing Vanity Fair in not more......
The Price Of Jew Siiss (martin Seeker) Is 10s., And
not 7s. 6d. as stated in last week's review.......