19 MARCH 1927, Page 37

Mr. Wade's engaging book, Rambles in Cathedral Cities (Methuen, 7s.

Bd.), reminds us once again of how much there is to see in England that is really 'worth seeing. It laaY be doubted whether one in every hundred of our nglish readers has seen all those twenty-six cathedral cities which Mr. Wade describes so pleasantly and so accurately. rattly. Yet every one of those cities, whether it be as large as Norwich or Lincoln, or as small as Ripo nor Wells, Would well repay a visit, and not only for the sake of its cathedral. Lincoln, for example, is- a wonderful place, with its Roman gateway, its castle, its many early mediaeval uses and its quite unexpected harbour, and over all these e miraculous minster towering on the hill-top. Chichester, reford, Chester, Ely—the very names call up a flood of 6ightful memories to anyone who knows them at all. F. Wade's book may be warmly commended to all who are planning motor tours. It has illustrations and a

sketch map. .