19 MARCH 1927, Page 37

Lord Montagu of • Beattlieti *rites very interestingly in Bemire

(George Gill. 2s.) of various problems affecting motorists. In a decade, •he says, the present number of motor vehicles in Great Britain may be doubled. " The newest working generation insists on having a big bath and a small motor car, the one for keeping the skin clean and - the other- for keeping the soul clean." More street space and more road space must be provided in England for the four or five million vehicles that we shall soon possess. The sew road transport era of health and happiness won through travel is beginning and while no one can foretell hoW it will develop, Lord Montagu has much to say on the trend - of events. He has some entertaining and prophetic : suggestions about the Mo-Via, a moving pavement " whose mother is. the eScalator." The dawn of the age of speed is full of fantastic shapes. However, " the calm of the cloister will be demanded as an antidote to restlessness," and- " remoteness and silence will be the supreme luxury of the post-speed era." Every motorist must get this book and read it. There is much excellent practical advice in the beginning, while its conclusion will leave the older reader' dreaming dreams, the young seeing visions."