Some Good Ideas IF one had one's dashboard fitted up
with therinometer, mascot, revolution meter; cigar lighter, clock; lock, oil gauge, primer and dipping head-light control, as the persuasive vendors of accessories so metimes suggest to the new car owner, one would haye no time to took out at the view. But there is no doubt that some of these devices do add greatly to the pleasure and safety of driving. Three suggestions I would make for interior luxuries. One is a gradient meter, for it is really interesting to know how the car is pulling. The second suggestion is to have two wind- shield wipers, because the passenger sitting next to the driver has a somewhat dreary prospect before him on a rainy afternoon unless he can see out to his front. The third is a tiny vacuum cleaner which can be fitted at a cost of about 30s. I think this would be a decidedly useful " gadget for the owner-driver who wishes to keep the inside of his salOon scrupulously tidy. The second wind-shield wiper can be run from it.
A hydraulic jack, the Enot, is obtainable from Messrs. Benton & Stone, Birmingham, at the price of 50i. and very good value it is. One needs a jack but rarely with modern tyres, but when one does want it, one wants it very badly. should be sorry to recall the wretched hours I have spent on the road, scraping at the Macadam withfrozen fingers and levering at obdurate ratchets in the old days when tyre trouble was common.' The-Enot makes a change of wheel as little of a nightmare as any road repair can be.
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The Exhibition of second-hand cars, which Messrs. Glass are organizing this Easter at the Royal Agricultural Hall, would appear to be a thoroughly sound project, but its value to intending buyers and sellers will, of course, depend entirely on the management. If, as one expects and hopes, it proves itself trustworthy, then there is no doubt that the disposal of a car will be greatly simplified by the plan Messrs. Glass have introduced. Briefly, the idea is this : an intending seller takes his car to Messrs. Glass (50 Pall Mall), who test it and examine its mechanical condition, giving their certificated opinion, which is affixed to the wind-shield. The seller then fixes the pride (taking the experts' advice if he is wise) and hands it over for exhibition, paying a fee of from lfis. to ).4s. a day until it is sold or withdrawn.
Messrs. Glass take a commission of 71 per cent. on the sale and transact- all negotiations with intending buyers. The advantage to both buyer and seller is obvious ; the one being relieved of all worry and haggling, the other benefiting by expert and unprejudiced opinion on the value of his pur- chase, and avoiding the irksome enquiries which have to be Made when bnying a second-hand -car • privately. The Show will be open from April 11th to the 30th, excluding Good
Friday. * *. , * * •
I shall be glad to answer any enquiries, either as to LIP or holiday routes, addressed to me, at the Spectator, 13 yorl Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. 2. TIIE MOTORING Ennoo.