THE SHORTEST WAY HOME. By D. H. S. Nicholson. (Arrowsmith.
7s. 6d.)—" George "—his surname is not re- vealed—had been for many years the acknowledged leader of the society at ' The Golden Pot' in Ambleford. When he lies, and the windsor chair which he had occupied night after Right falls vacant, the question of a worthy successor presents itself to Judson, the village carter. Feeling himself to be best qualified for the position, he attempts to secure it by direct action, but is defeated by the landlord's removing " George's " chair from the bar parlour, as a tribute to his memory. But Judson is not the man to give in. How he finally gains his ambition is told by Mr. Nicholson in a sparkling. little comedy. The rustic dialogue is excellent, the incidents ingenious, and the humour spontaneous and sustained.