19 MARCH 1954, Page 14


Sus,—In your paragraph on Howsham Hall, which is in danger of being pulled down, you refer to the Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments Act, 1953. The classes of build- ings which arc eligib:e for grants under this Act are strictly limited, as 1 discovered when I appl:ed for a grant towards the repair of Prebends' Bridge at Durham. This beautiful bridge, which was built by the Dean and Chapter in 1778 for the sum of £4,316, now needs extensive repairs at a cost of £18 000 to prevent it from falling into ruin. The Minis- try of Works replying to my letter stated that it is proposed only to give financial aid under the Act towards the preservation of inhabited houses and other buildings in occupation or suitable for occupation. Apparently. there' fore, the Act should have been called merely the Historic Buildings Act, since other classes of Ancient Monuments are not elig,:ble for